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Conciliation process in Labour Law

Conciliation process in Labour Law

by Riya Roy -
Number of replies: 0

Conciliation process under labour law:   

Under labour law the owner or the collective bargaining authority has authorization to apply for dispute resolution between the owner and the worker. Any other person nor authority has authorization to do it.In case of dispute the owner or the collective bargaining agent informs another party by written.After getting the written information about dispute parties are entered into contract by meeting with collecting bargaining authority within 15 days.Meeting may held between the representatives of the both parties.If parties are reached in a decision on respective issues then a written  agreement  made and parties are signed on this agreement and owner send a copy of agreement to the government,executive authority of labour and the conciliator.After that conciliator begins the process of conciliation according to law within 10 days.Then conciliator makes meeting with both of the disputed parties on the fixed date .If dispute resolved by conciliation then conciliator send a report about conciliation to government and also a copy of conciliation which is signed  by  the parties.Conciliation process must end within 30 days.It may extend by the request of the parties.If conciliation fails the conciliator try to send the parties to an arbitrator.If parties are not agree to solved dispute by arbitration then consider that conciliation is failed and issue a certificate of failure conciliation and give to the parties within 3 days.If parties agreed to settle dispute through arbitration then they send join request to the arbitrator.Then arbitrator gives award within 30 days to the parties and copy of award send to the parties. Award is final which is given by the arbitrator.No appeal is applicable against the award.Award is valid for 2 years.