Topic 4: Question Bank

1. Why we do normal/pigment/ caustic/enzyme/bleach/stone/stone enzyme/ super white/acid/silicon wash?(question will be for a specific wash in the exam)

2. Why pigment wash is so called?

3. Differentiate among different shades of enzyme wash.

4. Write the wash procedure of normal/pigment/ caustic/enzyme/bleach/stone/stone enzyme/ super white/acid/silicon wash for a suitable lot (Like 70 kg, 80 kg....) size.(question will be for a specific wash in the exam)

5. What are the problems associated with normal/pigment/ caustic/enzyme/bleach/stone/stone enzyme/ super white/acid/silicon wash? Write with proposed solutions. (question will be for a specific wash in the exam)

6. What are the precautions needed for normal/pigment/ caustic/enzyme/bleach/stone/stone enzyme/ super white/acid/silicon wash? (question will be for a specific wash in the exam)

7. How does pumice stone work during washing?

8. What is the chemical composition of pumice stone.

9. Mention the features of pumice stone.

10. What are the faults generally found after washing? Describe any four (may be specific) with their remedies.

11. What do you mean by shade variation? How we can avoid it?

12. Suppose a local agent has supplied 150 roll denim fabric in a factory comprising different lots for a washed garments order, now before the fabric cutting what types of precautionary approach should be taken to avoid color shade variation?

13. Write the wash procedure of enzyme bleach/ towel bleach/foam bleach wash for a suitable lot (Like 70 kg, 80 kg....) size.(question will be for a specific wash in the exam)

14. Compare among enzyme bleach, towel bleach and foam bleach wash.

15. How acid and KMnO4 works in acid wash? Show with suitable reactions.

16. Differentiate between different types of enzymes and suggest which one is used for more color fading.

17. Compare between stone and stone enzyme wash and propose which one is suitable for bio-polishing and irregular fading purposes.

18.  Differentiate between different types of dryer used in Bangladesh and illustrate your observations which one is mostly used in our country and why?

19. Compare among different enzyme wash of different shades and propose which one is the most expensive one and why?

20. Why stone is not directly used in acid wash? If we use then is there any difference with stone wash? Point out your explanations.           

Last modified: Monday, 21 September 2020, 5:42 PM