Question Bank

1.Short notes,

Tenacity, Breaking extension %, Work of rupture, Elastic recovery%.

2.Describe stress and strain curve.

3.Explain CRL & CRE method.

4.Differentiate between CRL & CRE.

5. A yarn made of cotton has its initial length 30 cm. An external load 20 N has been applied on it. Due to load temporary creep is 5.3 cm and secondary creep is 4.7 cm. Calculate elastic recovery%, plastic recovery% and breaking extension %.

6.A yarn made of cotton has its initial length 20 cm. An external load 15 N has been applied on it. Due to load elastic extension is 5.3 cm and plastic extension is 4.7 cm. Calculate elastic recovery%.

7. A yarn made of cotton has its initial length 40 cm. An external load 20 N has been applied on it. Due to load elastic extension is 6 cm and plastic extension is 3 cm. Calculate Plastic recovery%.

 8.A yarn made of cotton has its initial length 20 cm. An external load 10 N has been applied on it. Due to load elastic extension is 3 cm and plastic extension is 2 cm. Calculate breaking extension%.

Last modified: Monday, 4 January 2021, 11:49 PM