Section outline

    • Welcome Message for my Students



    • Hello, 
      My Dear Students, Assalamulaikum, and greetings to all of you. I'm Abdus Sattar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Daffodil International University. I am also a Ph.D. student at Bangladesh University Professionals(BUP).  My research topics covered Machine Learning and Augmented Reality. 
      I have received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)  from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and Master’s Program of Interactive Systems Engineering(ISE) from KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Previously, I was employed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of   Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) at Britannia University, Comilla. 
      This semester I will take the course CSE333: Software Engineering, designed helping students to grow up and understanding how to develop a software system development process and giving them the fundamental principles of system development with object-oriented technology using the Use Case Model, Object-Oriented Model. The course will initiate students to the different software process models, project management, software requirements, and design as a problem-solving activity, key elements of analysis and design, and the place of the analysis and design phases within the system development life cycle. 
      I'm delighted that you are interested in taking our specialization. We have done our part to make this a rewarding educational experience. Now it's your turn, good luck. 

      Teacher Information:

      Abdus Sattar

      Assistant Professor
      Department of Computer Science and Engineering(CSE)
      Chairman, Exam Committee 
      Faculty of Science and Information Technology(FSIT) 
      Assistant Proctor
      Daffodil International University(DIU), Dhaka 
      Mobile: +01818392800
      Office Address: Room No. 517, 5th Floor, CSE Building

                                                           Profile Link

    • Instructions on how to go through the Course Software Engineering

                                                                  Quick Link
      Class Test -1  Class Test -2  Assignment -1  Student Survey(Midterm Exam)  Midterm Exam
      Class Test-3 Assignment-2 Presentation Student Survey(Final Exam)  Final Exam

    • Course Rationale:

      Software Engineering is designed helping students to grow up and understanding of how to develop a software system development process and giving them the fundamental principles of system development with object-oriented technology using Use Case Model, Object-Oriented Model. The course will initiate students to the different software process models, project management, software requirements and design as a problem solving activity, key elements of analysis and design, and the place of the of the analysis and design phases within the system development life cycle. 

    • Course Objective:

      This course aims at introducing to the students about the product that is to be engineered and the process that provides a framework for the engineering technology. The course facilitates the students to analyze risk in software design and quality and to plan, design, develop, and validate the software project.

    • Course Outcomes (CO’s):

    • Assessment Scheme: 

      Assessment Scheme

    • Assessment Methods:

      Assessment Methods

    • Semester Calendar Fall 2020

    •                                                       Third-Party Apps

      Added External resources or Activities through third-party apps 

      Telegram Group Link to join with section-wise: