Section outline

  • Midterm Exam Syllabus:

    1. Wk-1: Software and Software Engineering
    2. Wk-2: Process Model
    3. Wk-3: Agile Model
    4. Wk-4: Understanding the Requirements, Modeling, Use Case
    5. Wk-5: Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram
    6. Wk-6: Prototyping-GUI

    Midterm Marks Distribution:

    1. Midterm Exam will be made up of 5 sets of questions. 
    2. Each set of questions may include two or three short or descriptive questions. 
    3. Each of the questions set contains equal marks(5 Marks), Total 25 Marks.
    4. There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks. 

    Midterm Questions Pattern:

    1. Model Selection from a given scenario.
    2. Draw use case diagram and use case description. 
    3. Draw an activity diagram from the given scenario.
    4. Draw a Sequence diagram from the given scenario. 
    5. Draw a GUI for the given scenario.