Section outline
Final Exam Syllabus:
- WK-8: Object-Oriented Modeling
- WK-9: Business Process Modeling(BPM)
- WK-10: Software Testing Strategies
- WK-11: Software Maintenance and Maintenance Process Model
- WK-12: COCOMO Model
- WK-13: Software Quality Assurance and Management
Final Exam Marks Distribution:
- Final Exam will be made up of 4 sets of questions.
- Each set of questions may include two or three short or descriptive questions.
- Each of the questions set contains equal marks(8 Marks), Total 40 Marks.
- There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks.
Questions Pattern:
- Draw a Class Diagram from a given scenario ----1 Set(10 Marks)
- Draw BPM and GUI from a given scenario-----1 Set(10 Marks)
- Black Box Testing and White Box Testing, Test suit and Cost Estimation and Development Cost -----1 Set(10 Marks)
- Estimation of development time for different types of Projects and Software Quality Assurance-----1 Set(10 Marks)
Final Exam Question, Answer Script, and Submission Link
Follow the Directions Before starting your exam:
- Students need to download the CamScanner Apps from Google Play Store to capture the picture
- Do not exceed your file size 10MB
- You have to submit your file in PDF format (this is mandatory)
Script Naming format: CSE333-O4-171-15-12345-Final
Script Naming format: CSE333-O4-171-15-12345-Final