Section outline

  • Examination Malpractice In Nigeria: Causes, Effects & Solutions |  FlashAcademy

    • Exam. Date and Time: 25.08.2021 (Day: 9:00 am-12:30 pm; EVE: 7:00 pm-10:30 pm)
      Question Type: Essay Type
      Contents: Topic-4 (Lecture: 10, 13-16), Topic-5-7 (Lecture Contents: 17-29)
      1. Five set questions are assigned under one section from which you have to answer any four.
      2. Questions will be available at BLC for 3.5 Hrs according to published schedule.
      3. You are requested to upload hand written (no option of online text) answer scripts in prescribed template (already given earlier) of answer scripts.
      4. You can upload maximum three files (one file is preferable) but must be in pdf format by considering the file size issue.
      5. You can attempt only twice for file uploading.

      6. Answer scripts will be automatically submitted after given time.