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Answer the question Forum

by MD. Hasnain -
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Factors Effecting Fiber Properties -There are many factors that effect agro-fiber properties. For example, what part of the plant the fiber came from, the age of the plant when the fiber was harvested, how the fiber was isolated, and permeability and hydroscopicity of the plant cell wall. It is well known that different parts of a plant have different chemical and physical properties.

 That is, the chemical composition and fiber properties of plant tissue taken from the roots, stem, trunk, and leaves is different. What is not so well known, is that the chemical composition and fiber properties of plant tissue are also different at different stages of the growing season14 . 

Plants have, in general, five stages in their life cycle: germination, growth, flowering, seed formation, and death. Annual plants go through these stages in one growing season. Biennials have a two year cycle where the second year’s plant grow from the root system of the first years plant. Perennial plants have the same cycle as annual plants except growth, flowering, and seed formation occur many times before the plant dies.