Forum for discussion-Topic 1

Forum for discussion-Topic 1

Forum for discussion-Topic 1

by Juel Rana -
Number of replies: 0

a) What you have learnt from the lecture?

Ans:  I have learnt from this lecture:


1.    Tenacity

2.    Breaking extension

3.    Work of rupture

4.    Initial modulus

5.    Work factor

6.    Work recovery

7.    Elastic recovery

8.    Yield stress

9.    Yield strain

10.  Yield point

11.  Breaking load

12.  Creep 

b) What you want to learn more regarding the lecture contents?

Ans: I have learnt already regarding the lecture contents.

c) What you have not yet understood in the lecture?


I am understood from this lecture  I have a no quistion from this lecture.

Thank you, mam.

d)Explain the term Tan α ↑↓ → extension ↓↑ ?


Initial modulus:

The tangent of angle between the initial curve and the horizontal axis is equal to the ratio of stress and strain.

In engineering science the ratio is termed as Young’s Modulus and in textile we use the terms as Initial Young’s Modulus.

Initial modulus, tan α = stress / strain

Tan α ↑↓      →    extension ↓↑