Forum for discussion-Topic 1

forum discussion answer topic 1

forum discussion answer topic 1

by Ashik Paul -
Number of replies: 0

answer the question No-a

I have learnt the class ,

1 .    Tenacity

2.    Breaking extension

3.    Work of rupture

4.    Initial modulus

5.    Work factor

6.    Work recovery

7.    Elastic recovery

8.    Yield stress

9.    Yield strain

10.  Yield point

11.  Breaking load.

answer the question No-b

Yes,I  want to learn more regarding the lecture contents.

answer the question No-c

Yes, I have  understood in the lecture.

answer the question No-d

 Initial modulus or stiffness: Fiber stiffness is commonly determined by the initial slope of the stress-strain curve at the origin. This is commonly known as the initial modulus; the higher initial modulus, the stiffer the fiber and the lower initial modulus, the more flexible the fiber.



Tan α ↑ →   extension ↓

Initial Modulus