Forum for Discussion-Topic 4

Ans to the following question ( Topic 4)

Ans to the following question ( Topic 4)

by Noor Mohammad Waliullah -
Number of replies: 0


Definition of friction, importance & problem of friction, Minimization method of friction ,Amon tons Law & static capstan method, Math.


Yes Mam, I want to learn more.


 I have understood the lecture


Friction is important in textile industry because, 

  • Friction holds the fiber in a sliver and hence material does not break due to self weight.
  • Friction helps in the drafting and drawing process.
  • Uniform tension can be maintained in winding and warping because of friction.
  • Friction helps in twisting during spinning.
  • Friction modifies the luster and appearance of a cloth
  • Friction makes more clean yarn.
  • So friction is important in the textile industry.