Section outline
Welcome Note
Welcome to my course blog at DIU Blended Learning Center (BLC). This is Alamgir Hossain, and I am your facilitator in this course. I am hopeful that you will find various information and help to complete this course successfully. You know that textile trade is a trade which deals in textiles in national as well as international arena. Trading textiles is a very tough job in international market as we have different competitors around the world. So the knowledge of economics of textile market is very essential for your career.
Course Teacher Profile:
Alamgir Hossain
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Textile Engineering
Contact Number: 01922788272
Profile link:
Course Details:
Course Name: Economics for Textile Engineers
Course Code: TE333
Level & Term: Level 2 & Term 3 ( Section: Evening , A)
Credit Hour: 3.0 (Weekly 3 contact hours)
Credit Hour: 3.0 Total Marks: 100
Rationale: This subject aims to furnish students with an in-depth knowledge of the global textile economy and explicate the students’ understanding on the textile sector of Bangladesh with current and future trend.
1. After completion of the course students will have an idea about the global textile economy.
2. They will learn about the leading exporters and importers of textile raw materials, products and machinery.
3. The detail ideas of textile sector of Bangladesh with emphasis on its competitor countries will be gained through this course.
4. The course will equip students about the current and future trend of textile product exported from Bangladesh.
5. They will also learn about SWOT of textile sector of Bangladesh.
Please see the course plan
Please watch the video of instruction for proper use of BLC
Topic title: Introduction Economics
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes X 3 Sessions =180 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To know the economics and economist who had describe economics in different way.
· To learn about the subject matter of economics.
· To study the importance of economics.
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lectures the students will gain knowledge about-
· Short life history of famous economist
· Subject matter of economics
· Importance of economics
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute X 3 Sessions
a) Session 1: Definition, origin of economics and what questions answer economics.
b) Session 2: short life history of famous economist and their contribution in economics.
c) Session 3: Subject matter of economics and importance of economics study.
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes X 3 Sessions
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes X 3 Sessions
See the lecture materials
Dear Students, feel free to ask any topic related question here.
Topic title: Types of Economics and Economics system
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To know the different types of economics
· To learn about important characteristics of micro and macro economics
· To study different economics system
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lecture the students will gather knowledge about-
· Micro economics and macro economics
· Difference between micro and macro economics
· Characteristics of different economics systems
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute
a) Description of micro and macro economics
b) Characteristics of micro and macro economics
c) Details study of various economics system
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes
See the lecture materials
Dear Students, feel free to ask any topic related question here.
Date: 14/6/2020
Time: 50 Minutes
Syllabus: Introduction to Economics and Types of Economics
Instruction: Read the questions carefully and answer all the questions. In case multiple choice questions, there may be more than one correct answer.
See the lecture slides
Topic Title: Goods and Services
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To know about goods and services
· To learn about important characteristics of goods and services
· To study different types of goods and services
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lecture the students will able to-
· Define or describe goods and services
· Differentiate between goods and service
· Classify goods and services
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute
a) Description of goods and services.
b) Characteristics goods and services
c) Classification of goods and services
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes
See the lecture materials
Dear Students, feel free to ask any topic related question here
Title: Demands and Supply
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To know about demand and supply
· To learn about important characteristics of demand and supply curves
· To know the equilibrium and market equilibrium
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lecture the students will able to-
· Define or describe demand and supply
· Describe demand and supply curves
· Understand market equilibrium
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute
a) Description of demand and supply.
b) Demand and supply curves
c) Equilibrium and market equilibrium.
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes
See the lecture materials
Dear Students, feel free to ask any topic related question here
Watch the video
Date: 22/6/2020
Time: 9:00 PM
Examination Duration: 45 minutes
Instruction: Read the questions carefully and answer all the questions. In case of multiple choice question there might have more than one correct answer. In that case, you are asked to select one or more option.
Title: Elasticity of Demand
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To know about elasticity of demand
· To learn about important characteristics of elastic demand and inelastic demand.
· Calculation of elastic and inelastic demand
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lecture the students will able to-
· Define or describe elasticity of demand
· Describe the demand whether it is elastic or inelastic.
· Decide by calculation about the elasticity of demand.
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute
a) Description of demand elasticity.
b) Description of elastic and inelastic demand.
c) Calculation of elastic and inelastic demand.
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes
See the lecture materials
Dear Students, feel free to ask any topic related question here
Watch the video
Topic title: Cost Concept
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To know about different types of cost
· To learn the differences between various cost
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lecture the students will able to-
· Define or describe cost and different types of cost
· Differentiate various types of costs
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute
a) Description of cost.
b) Different types of cost
c) Differences between various cost.
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes
See the lecture materials
Watch the recorded video
Dear Students, feel free to ask any topic related question here
Quiz 1 is designed to assess the students what he or she has learnt from Topic (Basic Economics). In the quiz you will be asked various types of question like MCQ, True/false, fill in the gaps, short questions etc. In off line quiz you will be given a question paper where you will write your answer as well. In online quiz you will be provided a question link where you will be asked several questions to answer very shortly and other questions types will be as mentioned earlier. In both platform time, limit will be 30 minutes. The schedule of the quiz shall be published at least two days earlier.
You will attend quiz to answer question like this
Topic title: Inflation
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To learn what is inflation.
· To know the causes & effects of inflation.
· To gather knowledge on GPI, PPP & PCI
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lectures the students will be able to -
· Define Inflation
· Describe the causes and effects of inflation
· Describe GPI, PPP and PCI
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute
a) Description of inflation.
b) Study on causes and effects of inflation.
c) A short description of GNI, PPP & PCI
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes
Lecture Materials of topic (inflation)
Dear students, feel free to ask me any question related to the topics here.
Watch the recorded video
Read the questions carefully and answer all of them. In case of MCQ questions there might be more then one correct answers.
Syllabus for Midterm Examination
- Introduction to Economics
- Types of Economics
- Goods & Services
- Demand & Supply
- Elasticity of Demand
- Cost Concept
- Inflation
Instruction for Midterm Examination
- Midterm examination will be held as the semester (Fall'20) schedule published by the university.
- Total marks and time of the examination is 25 and 90 minutes respectively.
- There will be at least five sets of question in the question paper and every set of question may have 2-3 questions.
- In case of off line examination there will have optional question but there will not have any optional question for online examination.
Dear students, see the sample Mid term question.
Dear students, you can ask any questions about mid term examination.
a) Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.
b) Please write answers to the questions in your own answer scripts and submit them (Hand Written) converting into PDF file individually. Make and submit answer of each question in separate PDF file in the respective question. ONLY HAND WRITTEN ANSWER WILL BE ACCEPTED.
c) DO not attach any any google drive link as answer.
d) Plagiarism of your answer must be tested
e) No answer script will be accepted after the allocated time (1.5 hrs).
f) Marks at the right side indicate the full marks
Topic title: GDP
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes
Topic objectives:
· To learn about GDP.
· To know how to determine GDP.
· To learn different approach deterring the GDP
· To know about the GDP of Asian country, Bangladesh, top 10 GDP of the world.
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lectures the students will be able to -
· Define GDP
· Calculate GDP in different approach
· Know the GDP of different country as well as Bangladesh.
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute
a) Description of GDP.
b) Study on calculation of GDP
c) GDP of different counties
Group Study
White board
40 minutes
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes
Lecture Materials for GDP
Dear students, feel free to ask me any question related to the topics here.
see the lecture slides
Date: 2/6/2020
Time: 9 PM
Instruction: Read the question carefully and answer all the question. In case of MCQ question there may be more then one answer.
Watch the recorded class (16/6/2020)
Watch the live class (21/6/2020)
Watch the recorded video (22/6/2020)
Instruction: Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.
Topic Title: Tariff
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes X 3 session =180 minutes
Topic objectives:
· To learn about tariff and different types of tariff.
· To know the rationale of imposing tariffs.
· To learn different types of trade barriers and non-tariff barriers
· To study in details about different non-tariff barriers
.Learning Outcome:
After completing this lectures the students will be able to -
· Define tariff and its derivatives
· Know why tariff are imposed.
· Know different types of trade barriers and non-tariff barriers
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute X3 session
a) Session 1: Tariff and its classification, causes of imposing tariff. Different types of trade barriers.
b) Session 2 & 3: Details description of different types of non-tariff barriers
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes X3 session
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes X3 session
Lecture Materials for International Trade Barriers
Dear students, feel free to ask me any question related to the topics here.
Watch the recorded class
Watch the recorded class
Watch the recorded class
Watch the recorded class (23/6/2020)
Watch the lecture slides
Watch the recorded class
Topic Title: Market access facilities and GSP
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes X3 session =180 minutes
Topic objectives:
· To learn about market access facilities.
· To know about GSP.
· To learn about EU GSP, GSP scheme of Bangladesh and Japan, GSP scheme of Australia, New Zealand
· To study in details DFQF, SAFTA, APTA
.Learning Outcome:
After completing this lectures the students will gain knowledge on -
· Market access facilities.
· GSP, EU GSP and other GSP facilities
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute X3 session
a) Session 1: Market Access facilities. GSP and EU GSP
b) Session 2: GSP scheme of Bangladesh and Japan, GSP scheme of Australia, New Zealand
c) Session 3: DFQF, SAFTA and APTA
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes X3 session
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes X3 session
Lecture materials for International Trade Access Facilities
Dear students, feel free to ask me any question related to the topics here.
See the rules if you want
Watch the recorded class
Quiz 2 is designed to assess the students what he or she has learnt from Topic (Terminology of International Trade). In the quiz you will be asked various types of question like MCQ, True/false, fill in the gaps, short questions etc. In off line quiz you will be given a question paper where you will write your answer as well. In online quiz you will be provided a question link where you will be asked several questions to answer very shortly and other questions types will be as mentioned earlier. In both platform time, limit will be 30 minutes. The schedule of the quiz shall be published at least two days earlier.
You will be asked to attend quiz like these.
Assignment will be designed to assess the students what they have learnt from the topics they have studied. In this purposes you (students) will be asked to submit an assignment on a given topics or titles related to the topics in scheduled time (1 week). You will follow the instruction to write assignment.
Submit your assignment here
Submit your presentation here
Submit your assignment here
By the completion of this topics, the students will be able to acquire knowledge about the economics of textile processing like spinning, weaving and knitting, garments manufacturing as well as wet processing.
Topic Title: Economics of Textile Processing
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes X4 session =240 minutes
Topic objectives:
· To review overall of textile processing.
· To know the impact of RMG and textile sector of Bangladesh.
· To gain knowledge about spinning sector of Bangladesh.
· To gather knowledge about fabric manufacturing sector of Bangladesh.
· To learn about contribution of wet processing sector of Bangladesh.
· To know about RMG sector of Bangladesh.
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lectures the students will gain knowledge on -
· Impact of Bangladeshi RMG sector.
· Spinning sector of Bangladesh
· Fabric manufacturing sector of Bangladesh.
· Wet processing sector of Bangladesh
· RMG sector of Bangladesh.
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute X 4 session
a) Session 1: Review of textile Processing. Impact of RMG sector
b) Session 2: Spinning sector of Bangladesh
c) Session 3: Fabric manufacturing sector
d) Session 4: Wet processing and Garments manufacturing
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes X 4 session
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes X 4 session
See the lecture materials
Feel free to ask any question related to the topics here
Watch the live class
Watch the video
Watch the video
See the slides
Watch the live class
Date: 23/8/2020
Time: 9:45 PM
By this section the students will gather knowledge regarding different types of textile materials like fibre, fabrics , dye chemicals and so on.
Topic Title: Economics of Textile Materials
Target Pupils: 35-40
Duration: 60 Minutes X5 session =300 minutes
Topic objectives:
· To review overall of worldwide fibre consumption.
· To gain knowledge about economics of cotton fibre.
· To gain knowledge about economics of cotton fibre.
· To learn about leading cotton importer and exporter as well as Bangladeshi cotton.
· To gather knowledge on cotton price of different brand.
· To study the market of polyester market of the world as well as Bangladesh.
· To learn about uses of polyester
· To know about the market of jute fibre and its application
· To know the global denim market as well as Bangladeshi contribution.
· Opportunities and challenges of Bangladeshi RMG sector in the world.
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lectures the students will gain knowledge on -
· Fibre consumption in textile section globally
· Economics and market of Cotton, polyester, jute, wool fibre of the world and Bangladesh
· Prospect of Denim market of Bangladesh
· Opportunities and challenges of RMG sector of Bangladesh
Methods/ Techniques
Resources / Aid
Time required
Welcome speech, Introducing the topic, ice breaking, Attendance, Pre-assessment
Lecture, Q & A
White board/ Projector
10 Minute X5 session
a) Session 1 & 2: Fibre consumption and Cotton market of the world as well Bangladesh aspects.
b) Session 3: Polyester market and use of polyester.
c) Session 4: Jute and wool market
d) Session 5: Opportunities and challenges of Bangladeshi RMG sector
Group Study
White board
40 Minutes X 5 session
Summing up the main points, Feedback and answer, Assessment of LOs, Forward plan
Q & A
White board
10 Minutes X 5 session
See the lecture materials
See the lecture materials
See the lecture materials
See the lecture materials
See the updated slides
Watch the live class
See the recorded class
Syllabus for Semester Final Examination
- Tariff (Delay, import deposit, Anti-dumping, Phyto-sanitary )
- International trade Access and facilities
- Economics of Textile Processing
- Economics of Textile Materials
- 30 % from the Midterm Syllabus (Elasticity of Demand, Types of Economics)
Instruction for Semester Final Examination
- Semester Final Examination will be held as the semester (summer'20) schedule published by the university.
- Total marks and time of the examination are 30 and 120 minutes respectively.
- There will be at least five sets of question in the question paper and every set of question may have 2-3 questions.
- In case of off line examination there will have optional question but there will have not any optional question for online examination.
See the attached file