Overview and Rational:

Overview and Rational:

It is highly expected from everyone to understand the culture of his workplace and thus, it becomes essential to follow some basic professional etiquette. The basis of professional etiquette stands on the ethics of respecting every individual in their workplace and displaying well-mannered behavior in business interactions.

Professional etiquette can have long-lasting and fantastic impact on professional life; be it someone’s personal career growth or a business related company.

Professional etiquette can thus put anyone in the good or bad book of immediate boss or potential clients. This chapter will help students for becoming more competent in professional behavior.

Example: Basic Professional Etiquette Tips 

Some of the basic professional etiquette tips are mentioned below which you can follow to make a great impact on everyone in your company.

Conversation Etiquette

·         Listening attentively. A good listener is always dear to every client. Speak only when the speaker has finished talking instead of interrupting in between.

·         Keeping a low but clear and calm voice while conversing. Tone should always be polite.

·         Contacting eyes. While conversing looking into the eyes of listener always is meaningful rather looking elsewhere.

·         Articulating conversation. Keeping conversations short and to the point instead of getting into irrelevant topics and discussions is helpful. So, needs to keep in mind that it is a business talk and not a family re-union.

·         Coping with unwanted conversation. Maintaining soberness and politeness even if the client speaks something offensive or rude.

Handshake Etiquette

·         Keeping fingers titled down and your thumb up during shaking hand. However, need to ensure handshake not so firm that it crushes or hurts the other person's hand. This indicates that you are dominant.

·         While shaking hands, greet the person by looking into his/her eyes is essential.

·         Limiting the time of handshakes from 2 to 3 seconds and taking hand back gracefully is highly expected.

·         Avoid patting on the back of the hand.

Dressing Etiquette

  • Wearing neat and nicely pressed formal clothes. Choosing corporate shades during picking up clothes for office wear is artistic and result oriented.
  • Women should avoid wearing exposing dresses and choose for little but natural make-ups. Men need to keep their hair (including facial hair) neatly trimmed and set.
  • Shoes with right polish.
  • Keeping nails clean.
  • Wearing clothes which are comfortable in and can carry well. This is very important while someone is in a business meeting or client presentation.

 Introduction and Greeting Etiquette

  • During introduction, either shake hands or nod your head.
  • If you are in charge of introducing other people always introduce the lower ranked person to the higher ranked one.
  • In first introduced, stand up to meet or greet the person.

Electronic Communication Etiquette

  • In communicating with colleagues, seniors or clients through emails, always needs to address the person with 'Dear Sir', ‘Dear Madam’, 'Hi' or 'Hello' followed by a title (Mr./Mrs./Miss etc.) and his/her name and end your mail with 'Yours Sincerely' or 'Yours Truly', whatever suits best with your name and designation. Also, always mention a 'Subject' to all your official mails.
  • Keep official mails preferably short and precise. However, if the subject demands elaborate details and explanations, go ahead but use a friendly formal language instead of a casual one.
  • During participation in conference calls introduce all the participants to each other at the beginning.
  • While speaking over telephones, always greet the other person while starting and ending the call. Be sure whether the person available for conversation with you at that moment you called and then start conversation.  Always speak politely.
  • Include your contact details and the date while sending faxes.

Dining Etiquette

  • Being courteous during official dinners. Offer the seat to your guest first. If you are the guest, be punctual and thank the host for the dinner.
  • Initiate conversations while waiting for the food.
  • Avoid opening your mouth and chewing food.
  • Avoid looking at others plate and pointing eyes on particular food.
  • Avoid pointing the knife or fork towards the other person while eating and speaking.
  • Allow your guest to select the menu and wine.
  • If something unwanted has gone to your mouth, place the napkin in front of your mouth tactfully and bring it out instead if putting your hand inside the mouth to get rid of it.
  • Avoid talking when there is food in your mouth.
  • Learn the basic table manners before you go out to dine with a potential client or an important business meet.

 General Etiquette

  • Always be punctual at your workplace.
  • Switch off or put your mobile/cell phones in silent mode while in a conference call, business meeting or corporate presentation. In case it is an urgent call which you need to take excuse yourself and take permission from the others for taking the call.
  • Avoid digging your nose in public.
  • Use handkerchiefs or tissue paper when you are coughing or sneezing in public.
  • When in a meeting room, stand up to greet the seniors if they arrive after you.
  • Try to ignore and overlook funny or embarrassing sounds when in a meeting or official conversation.
  • If you have forgotten somebody's name ask him/her politely saying that you are sorry that you cannot remember the name.
  • Always keep a comfortable distance while conversing with others.
  • Avoid standing or sitting too close to the other person. An arm's length would be ideal to maintain the comfort zone.
  • It would be nice if you hold the door for the person who is coming immediately behind you.
  • Be careful while smoking and drinking when you have company. Find out if the person is comfortable really while you are smoking.

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 June 2020, 5:49 PM