Discussion on Career and Computer Graphics 2

What is Anomalies in Perspective Projection

What is Anomalies in Perspective Projection

by Sabbir Khan -
Number of replies: 0

It introduces several anomalies due to these object shape and appearance gets affected.

  1. Perspective foreshortening: The size of the object will be small of its distance from the center of projection increases.
  2. Vanishing Point: All lines appear to meet at some point in the view plane.
  3. Distortion of Lines: A range lies in front of the viewer to back of viewer is appearing to six rollers.
Perspective Projection
Perspective Projection

Foreshortening of the z-axis in fig (a) produces one vanishing point, P1. Foreshortening the x and z-axis results in two vanishing points in fig (b). Adding a y-axis foreshortening in fig (c) adds vanishing point along the negative y-axis.