Discussion on Career and Computer Graphics

3D Transformation

3D Transformation

by Abdullah Al Mahmood Yasir -
Number of replies: 1

How 3D transformation is used in any simulation modelling?  Is 3D transformation has relation to clipping Algorithm?

In reply to Abdullah Al Mahmood Yasir

Re: 3D Transformation

by Md. Mizanur Rahman -
3D Transformation - 3D rotation is not same as 2D rotation. In 3D rotation, we have ... You can change the size of an object using scaling transformation. In the scaling ... In 3D scaling operation, three coordinates are used.
Clipping, in the context of computer graphics, is a method to selectively enable or disable ... Near clipping ensures that all the vertices used have valid 2D coordinates. ... render certain scene objects based on their depth relative to the screen. ... this method to render visualizations of the interior of a 3D object in the scene.