Topic outline

  • General

    Why should you think about a career in electrical engineering? |  Engineering & Technology Jobs


    Engineering students of almost all disciplines have to undergo this course as a core subject. Fundamental knowledge about electrical circuits is essential for all electrical engineering students as this knowledge is a prerequisite to developing an understanding of all electrical engineering topics and aspects.  It is hoped that all students will develop the basic knowledge of electrical circuits from this course. Students will find here all materials required to successfully adapt the knowledge of this course.

    Summary : 

    In this course, a student will learn the basic definition of electrical circuit parameters, their mathematical equations, basic circuit theorems like Kirchhoff's circuit laws, circuit solving methods like node analysismesh analysis, etc. and advanced circuit theorems like Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, magnetic circuits. AC circuits and related techniques.



  • Announcement and Course Details!


    Please reach out to me when convenient via Email or WhatsApp if you need assistance - it may be related to academic activities, personal help, or career-related queries.

    Course Objectives:

    • To introduce fundamental theory for electrical circuits
    • To understand basic analysis theories of electrical circuits.
    • To be able to solve electrical DC circuits mathematically.
    • To analyze DC circuits to solve them in a simplified form.
    • To analyze single-phase and three-phase AC circuits to solve them in a simplified form.
    • To analyze magnetic circuits to solve them in a simplified form.
    • Understanding the principles and working of a Transformer.
    • Understand the principles and working of AC and DC Machines.

    Course Outcomes:

    • To learn about the electrical circuit variables, laws, and theorems for circuit analysis. 
    • To understand the basic working principle of various energy storage devices like capacitors and inductors used in electrical circuits.
    • To learn to apply laws and theorems to solve DC and AC circuits.
    • To make students understand the operation and terminal characteristics of basic electronic devices like diodes, BJTs, and MOSFETs.
    • To give the students basic knowledge on the construction and working principle of transformer, induction motor and induction generator.

    Assessment Plan & Grading:

    Assessment Instructions:

    The total performance of a student will be assessed based on a scheme of assessment strategies. Both formative assessment (attendance, quizzes, assignments, presentation etc.) and summative evaluation (mid-term and final examination) strategies will be followed. Thirty five percent (35%) of total marks will be allotted for formative assessment and the remainder of the marks will be allotted to summative evaluation- twenty five percent (25%) for mid-term examination and forty percent (40%) for final examination. Assessment and evaluation strategies are described in the following sections-


    All students are expected to attend classes regularly and actively participate in class discussions or other class activities. Attendance is necessary for effective learning. Class attendance is worth seven percent (7%) of total marks and students will be required to attend all the classes held in this course to achieve full marks. Marks will proportionally be reduced with respect to total classes for being absent.


    Altogether 4 quizzes will be taken during the semester, 2 quizzes will be taken before midterm and 2 quizzes will be taken after midterm. Best 3 out of 4 quizzes will be considered for awarding grade. Quizzes are worth fifteen percent (15%) of total marks and students are strongly recommended not to miss any quizzes. Note that quizzes cannot be made up if missed for any reason.


    Two assignments will be collected in this course- one before mid-term examination and one before final examination. The homework problems posted under each module will be the topics of the assignments. The problems are structured to challenge the students to apply the fundamentals and concepts learned in the classroom to solve engineering problems. Assignments are worth five percent (5%) of the total marks and each assignment carries equal weightage. Assignments must be done individually and must be submitted on or before the due date. No late submission of assignments will be accepted.


    The presentation will be on the topics of “Electrical devices or machines” and “Working principle of electrical machines”. The students will be required to visit the laboratory to observe “electrical devices” and “working principle of electrical machines”. During laboratory visit students should apply their classroom learning to acquire sufficient information on the assigned topics and present their observation at the final week of the semester. The presentation can be done in a group consisting of 5 students. It is important that all the students in a group play an equal role in completing the presentation. This should be a PowerPoint presentation and each group will have 5 minutes to present. The presentation is worth eight percent (8%) of the total marks.

    Mid-Term Examination

    The mid-term examination will include course content covered up to 8th week of the semester. The duration of the examination will be 90 minutes and will be held as announced in the academic calendar by the university. The final date and time will be confirmed later by the examination routine published by the department. The mid-term examination is worth twenty five percent (25%) of total marks.

    Final Examination

    The final examination will include course content covered up to 18th week (after mi-term) of the semester. The course material covered in mid-term examination won't be examined in the final examination. The duration of the examination will be 120 minutes and will be held as announced in the academic calendar by the university. The final date and time will be confirmed later by the examination routine published by the department. The final examination is worth forty percent (40%) of total marks.

    Text and Reference Books:

    1. [TEXTBOOK] Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th Ed) by Mathew Sadiku 
    2. [SOLUTION MANUAL] Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th Ed) by Mathew Sadiku
    3. [REFERENCE] Introductory Circuit Analysis, 10th Edition - (Robert L. Boylestad)
    4. [SOLUTION MANUAL] Introductory Circuit Analysis, 10th Edition - (Robert L. Boylestad)
    5. [REFERENCE] Electric Circuits 9th-ed. - (J. Nilsson, S. Riedel)

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  • Presentation

    Topics: The Necessity of Studying Basic Electrical Technology as a student of Civil Engineering.

    Schedule:  To be announced.

    Creative Presentation Ideas to Inspire Audiences to Act +Video  


    1. It is an offline presentation program.

    2. Make a group of 3 people and prepare your presentation.

    3. Slides should be 8 to 15.

    4. Time limitation for each group is 5 minutes.

    5. All the members of a group need to present their part within a limited time.

    6. Dress-up should be formal.

  • Assessment Instructions

                               5 Things to do before you take your Online Exam - ABPEducation

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  • Module 01: Basic Concepts


    An electric circuit is formed by interconnecting components having different electric properties. It is therefore important, in the analysis of electric circuits, to know the properties of the involved components as well as the way the components are connected to form the circuit.


    • To explain the basic definitions.
    • To explain the passive sign convention.
    • To calculate absorbed and supplied power of electrical elements.


    • Introduction to circuit analysis
    • Definition about Charge, Current, Voltage, Power, Energy.
    • Definition of passive sign convention.
    • Problem solving for absorbed and supplied power.


    The students can able to:

    • Know basic definitions regarding electrical circuits.
    • Solve absorbed and supplied power for the electrical elements of a circuit. 


    Chapter 01 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Module 02: Basic Laws

    Basic Laws

    Ohm's law is a law that states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resistance. Ohm's law is named for German physicist Georg Ohm (1789-1854). A simple formula, Ohm's law, is used to show the relationship of current, voltage, and resistance.


    • To explain the basic laws of electrical circuits to solve them.


    • Introduction to Ohm's law
    • Definition of Nodes, Branches and Loops.
    • Introduction to Kirchhoff's voltage law.
    • Introduction to Kirchhoff's current law.


    The students can able to

    • Know basic laws of electrical circuits.

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 02 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Module 03: Different Combinations of Resistors

    Different Combinations of Resistors

    Two or more resistance can be connected in different configuration based on the voltage-current requirement . For Wye Delta configuration three resistance are connected with each other in specific configuration that is different from series parallel connection.


    • To explain series and parallel combination of resistance.
    • To explain voltage and current divider rule.
    • To explain Wye-delta transformations.
    • To solve for the equivalent resistance of a circuit.


    • Series resistances and voltage division.
    • Parallel resistances and current division.
    • Delta to Wye conversion.
    • Wye to delta conversion.


    The students can able to

    • Know different combinations of resistances.
    • Solve equivalent resistance of a circuit.


    Chapter 02 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Class Test-1

  • Lecture 04: Nodal Analysis

    Nodal Analysis

    Nodal analysis is a method that provides a general procedure for analyzing circuits using node voltages as the circuit variables. Nodal Analysis is also called the Node-Voltage Method. Some Features of Nodal Analysis are as. Nodal Analysis is based on the application of the Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL).


    • To explain the method of nodal analysis.
    • To explain the method of nodal analysis with voltage source.


    • Nodal analysis.
    • Nodal analysis with voltage source.
    • Problem solving using nodal analysis.


    The students can able to

    • Solve a circuit using nodal analysis method.
    • Solve a circuit using nodal analysis method with voltage source.

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 03 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Lecture 05: Mesh analysis

    Mesh Analysis

    Mesh analysis is used to find out the loop currents in the meshes .which is written in terms of voltages(R * I) “Total voltage gain in the loop is equal to the total voltage drop in that loop” Nodal analysis is used to find out node voltages in the circuit.which is written in terms of currents (V/R)


    • To explain the method of mesh analysis.
    • To explain the method of mesh analysis with current source.


    • Mesh analysis.
    • Mesh analysis with current source.
    • Problem solving using mesh analysis.


    The students can able to

    • Solve a circuit using mesh analysis method.
    • Solve a circuit using mesh analysis method with current source.

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 03 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Lecture Module 06: Circuit Theorems Part 1

    Circuit Theorems Part 1

    An alternative method is to use superposition to find the deflection. Basically, a complex beam with its loading is simplified to a series of basic beams (one span) and with only one load. Then the solution to all the simplified beams are added together to give a final solution.


    • To explain superposition method.
    • To explain source transformation method.


    • Linearity property.
    • Superposition.
    • Source transformation.
    • Problem solving.


    The students can able to

    • Solve a circuit using superposition theorem
    • Solve a circuit using source transformation theorem.

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 04 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Lecture Module 07: Circuit Theorems Part 2

    Circuit Theorems Part 2

     Thevenin theorem is an analytical method used to change a complex circuit into a simple equivalent circuit 


    • To explain thevenin's theorem.
    • To explain Norton's theorem.
    • To explain maximum power transfer theorem.


    • Thevenin's theorem.
    • Norton's theorem.
    • Maximum power transfer theorem.
    • Problem solving.


    The students can able to

    • Solve a circuit using Thevenin's theorem.
    • Solve a circuit using Norton's theorem.
    • Solve for maximum power transfer.

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 04 of [TEXTBOOK]

  • Lecture Module 08: AC Circuit Basics and Circuit Analysis


    Thus far our analysis has been limited for the most part to dc circuits: those circuits excited by constant or time-invariant sources. Now we will continue with AC circuits. AC or Alternating Current circuits are circuits in which the source voltage or current is time-varying. In this section, we are particularly interested in sinusoidally time-varying excitation, or simply, excitation by a sinusoid. We will also apply various circuit theorems learnt before on AC circuits.


    • To understand AC System and their applications


    • Fundamentals of AC System
    • Sinusoids and Phasor
    • Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 09 and 10 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Lecture Module 09: AC Power Analysis


    AC or Alternating Current circuits are circuits in which the source voltage or current is time-varying. In this section, we are particularly interested in the Power Analysis of AC circuits.


    • To understand AC System Power Analysis


    • Complex Power, Real Power and Reactive Power

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 11 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Lecture Module 10: Three Phase AC System and Applications


    A single-phase AC power system consists of a generator connected through a pair of wires to a load. It contains two identical sources that are connected to two loads by two outer wires and the neutral. Circuits or systems in which the ac sources operate at the same frequency but different phases are known as polyphase. A three-phase system is produced by a generator consisting of three sources having the same amplitude and frequency but out of phase with each other by 120 degrees.


    • To understand Three Phase AC Systems and their applications


    • Fundamentals of Three Phase AC Systems
    • Balanced Three Phase Connections
    • Y - Delta balanced 3-Phase Circuits

    Reference Book:

    Chapter 12 of [TEXTBOOK].

  • Lecture Module 11: Applications (Transformers, DC and AC machines)


    There are many applications of AC and DC circuits. In this section we would explore the very basic and significant applications. 


    • Learn about applications of electrical energy.


    • Transformer
    • DC Machines
    • AC Machines

  • Lecture Module 12