Forum on Lecture Module 08



by Tanvir Hossain -
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In AC (alternating current) circuits, the voltage and current vary periodically with time. Unlike DC (direct current) circuits, which have a constant voltage and current, AC circuits involve sinusoidal waveforms.

AC circuits consist of various components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and AC power sources (generators). Here are some key concepts and equations related to AC circuit analysis:

1. Sinusoidal Waveforms: AC voltage and current can be represented by sinusoidal waveforms. The most common representation is the sine wave, which is characterized by its amplitude, frequency, and phase.

2. Phasors: Phasors are complex numbers used to represent the magnitude and phase angle of AC quantities. They simplify calculations in AC circuits by converting sinusoidal functions into algebraic operations.