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Concept of Business law.

Concept of Business law.

by A.K.M Navid -
Number of replies: 0

                                                Definition of Business Law

Business law encompasses all of the laws that dictate how to form and run a business. This includes all of the laws that govern how to start, buy, manage and close,or sell any type of business. Business laws establish the rules that all businesses should follow. A savvy business person will be generally familiar with business laws and know when to seek the advice of a licensed attorney. Business law includes state and federal laws, as well as administrative regulations.


                                                Sources of Business law

1. Legislation

2. Custom

3. Case law 

4. Natural law

5. English law


                                                Types of Business Law

   1.  Contract Drafting/ Negotiations/ Legislation.

   2. Consumer Good Sales.

   3.  Antitrust

   4.  Intellectual property

   5.  Immigration Law

   6. Taxes.