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Homogeneous matrix

Homogeneous matrix

by Oadud Hossain -
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A homogeneous matrix, often referred to as a homogeneous transformation matrix, is a mathematical matrix used in computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, and other fields to represent transformations in a homogeneous coordinate system. In computer graphics and robotics, it is commonly used to represent transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing in three-dimensional space.

The homogeneous coordinates system is an extension of the Cartesian coordinate system. In a 3D homogeneous coordinate system, a point is represented by four coordinates (x, y, z, w), where (x, y, z) are the usual Cartesian coordinates, and w is a scaling factor. The use of homogeneous coordinates allows for the representation of translation as a matrix multiplication, which is convenient for combining multiple transformations.

The general form of a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix looks like this:

R is a 3x3 rotation matrix,
t is a 3x1 translation vector, and the last row [0 0 0 1] is added for homogeneity.

When you apply this matrix to a homogeneous coordinate[x,y,z,1], the result represents the transformed point.

Homogeneous matrices are widely used in computer graphics to efficiently apply complex transformations to objects in 3D space, and they play a crucial role in the representation and manipulation of spatial transformations in various applications.