Section: Course Information | Prestressed Concrete (Fall 21) | DIU-BLC

  • Course Information


    Prestressed concrete is used in a wide range of buildings and civil structures where its improved performance can allow for longer spans, reduced structural thicknesses, and material savings compared with simple reinforced concrete.

    Course Information

    CE 414: Prestressed Concrete
    Credit Hrs.: 3 (Theory, 3 contact hours per week)
    Prerequisite: CE 211, CE 315, CE 319

    Course Teacher

     Saurav Barua
       Assistant Professor
       Department of Civil Engineering, 
       Daffodil International University 
       Cell: 0175334075

     ( You may click on the name to see the web profile )

    Instructions/Guideline for the course:

    • All the students registered for this course have to enroll in Moodle.

    • Students can find all the course materials from Moodle.

    • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in Moodle (if instructed to submit soft copy) under the assignment section created here.

    • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on Moodle. So, they have to keep themselves always active on Moodle.

    • All the quizzes and presentations will be held on face to face class and may be few of the class will be held on online (Moodle) and it will be announced before the class.

    • The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm and final exam are given here under each of the section (quizzes, midterm and final)

    • There are midterm and final exam preparation  forum under these sections where students can discuss with each other about their midterm and final exam syllabus, any problem regarding the exam etc.

    Course Intended Learning Outcomes:

    This course has some outcomes (mentioned below) that can be obtained by the students upon successful completion of the course.

    CO1:  Students will understand the general mechanical behavior of prestressed concrete.

    CO2: Students will be able to perform analysis and design of prestressed concrete members and connections.

    CO3: Students will be able to identify and apply the applicable industry design codes relevant to the design of prestressed concrete members.

    Course Contents:

    Prestressed concretes: materials; pre-stressing systems; loss of prestress; anchorage system; analysis of sections for flexure, shear, bond and bearing; beam deflections and cable layout; partial prestress. Design of pre-stressed sections for flexure, shear, bond and bearing; analysis of end block and composite section.

    Assessment Strategies:

    Attendance                                : 7%
    Quiz                                            : 15%
    Assignment                                : 5%
    Presentation                              : 8%
    Midterm Exam                           : 25%
    Semester Final Examination   : 40%
    Total Marks                               : 100%

    Reference Books:

    1. Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures-T.Y.Lin
    2. Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures-Arthur H. Nilson
    3. Prestressed concrete-By N. Krishna Raju